Halo (1×04) Homecoming Review

Keith NoakesApril 14, 202285/100n/a6 min
Roel Reiné
Justin Juel Gillmer, Stephen Kane
Running Time
54 minutes
Overall Score
Rating Summary
Homecoming was a homecoming of sorts for multiple characters as it dove deeper into John's past which would also threaten his future.

For our review of the last episode of Halo, click here.

Homecoming was true in more ways that one in the latest episode of Halo as it saw Master Chief/John go back home and further reconnect with his past before the Spartan program while his actions may have inspired others in the ranks to follow suit. Meanwhile, Kwan’s youthful impulsiveness led her and Soren into a dangerous situation in a much different Madrigal than she remembered that she believed she could still save.

As far as the Spartan program was concerned, they recruited at a young age as everybody was there with Halsey guiding them all along from the beginning. In the present, she believed the artifact to be some sort of artificial intelligence that responded to John for whatever reason. The key appeared to be John’s home planet of Eridanus II. Coming home brought back memories for him but deciphering them would be another challenge. A trove of John’s old drawings as a kid was a first clue.

From there, John dug deeper into his memories as Halsey seemed worried about what he would find. He found the location of the other artifact but also Halsey in his house long before the Spartan program. She merely explained it away. Meanwhile, Kai was having thoughts and showing feelings. The rest of the Spartans were tasked by Miranda to help with some tests on the artifact. However, she caught on the changes within Kai but the latter also caught on to that. Not spending so much time together, Miranda had some learning to do about Spartans and their firsthand knowledge of the Covenant.

If it wasn’t already clear, Kwan wasn’t safe in Madrigal as no one wanted to be seen in public with her. Nevertheless, it was all about putting her father’s generals together assuming there were any left before Vinsher and his forces got to them and they tried. However, her father may not have been the person she thought he was. Either way, they were stuck with no ship.

Miranda and Kai made a discovery about what the Covenant may be searching for but the former wanted to keep it between themselves for now. The name drop was something. Halsey was a much different kind of person who just saw people and things differently in her pursuit of answers to the biggest questions. She likes control and everything working like it is supposed to. Suffice it to say that this is happening less and less now.

Pablo Schreiber was sensational here as John especially throughout the many shots from inside the helmet which is something we don’t normally see. Gray as Miranada made for an interesting dichotomy against Halsey. That contrast is important to help flesh out both characters as the latter is clearly more sinister than she seems. Kennedy was also stellar as Kai in her scenes with Gray. However, Gorman as Vincher still doesn’t do it.

The rift is forming between John and Halsey but will the others join suit? Will giving Spartans their humanity back be next? Moving past Halsey and the bureaucracy, this could be a Spartan series which could be more interesting.

still courtesy of Paramount

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