- Director
- Danielle Panabaker
- Writers
- Judalina Neira, Kelly Wheeler
- Rating
- Running Time
- 43 minutes
- Airs
- Tuesdays 8pm
- Channel
- Space, The CW
Overall Score
Rating Summary
If you would like to read our review of the last episode of The Flash, click here.
Synopsis: After discovering that Nora is working with Thawne, Barry and Iris disagree about how to handle their daughter; Team Flash aren’t sure they can trust Nora, so they go through her journal to find out how she came to work alongside their nemesis. (TVGuide)
In either case, let’s get to the details of what went down in this week’s episode of The Flash.
Before the hiatus, Barry and company learned about Nora’s lies which resulted in Barry locking her up. The episode picks up where we left off with Barry trying to make sense of how his daughter could lie to him. The blame gets displaced on Sherloque who knew for quite some time that Nora was lying, but it goes much deeper than that.
This episode takes some time to explain what led Nora down this path and why she decided to seek out her parents. We all know she was a CSI investigator just like Barry, and that is the element we see her in during the episode. One day, she stumbles upon a case that involves a speedster, so alongside her best friend, they begin to dig deeper into the case. It turns out that this new speedster has white light and goes by the name Godspeed.
When Godspeed attacks Nora later in the episode, she wakes up to find that she now has speedster powers. But as she and her BFF, Leah, come to find out, Nora had powers long before Godspeed attacked her. She had something embedded within her that was dampening her powers and it’s revealed after the Godspeed encounter when this chip comes flying out.
After learning what Godspeed is trying to do, Nora and Leah head to a lab where they find Godspeed. Unfortunately, he kills Leah which pushes her to look into him more. We come to learn that Godspeed’s name is August Heart and that his plan is to become extremely powerful. This is enough for her to get Thawne’s support despite him rejecting that notion earlier.
Then comes the blah portion of the episode. After getting tips from Thawne, Nora manages to defeat Godspeed and put him in prison. Is it really supposed to be that easy? Let’s hope not.
But something sort of cool does come out of the entire episode, but it’s simply not enough to save the horrendous turn this episode kept taking at every corner. Nora comes across the secret room back at S.T.A.R. Labs and finds a video that Barry left for her way back when. She finds out that Barry was the Flash, something Iris kept from her. Side note: Did anyone else try to notice the background of where Barry was? Crisis anyone?
In the present, the team is looking into Nora’s journal and Iris melts when she finds out Nora lost her best friend during all of this. Unfortunately, Barry isn’t convinced that Nora means well and has lost complete trust in her. He takes her forward to 2049 and says that she is to never return to his timeline, and if she does, he will know because of the Speed Force disturbance.
The way the whole Godspeed angle was handled was so disappointing. There is so much more to take away from this character yet the episode spent so little time on this comic book character. However based on the promo for next week, it seems like Godspeed will return so let’s hope that it lives up to the hype.
Please, The Flash, can’t you give us this?
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