Ad Astra Official Trailer 2

Wannabe Movie CriticJuly 18, 2019n/a3 min
In Theatres
September 20th

For our thoughts on the first trailer of Ad Astra, click here.

Liv Tyler needs to stop being involved with people that go on dangerous space explorations.

It feels so good to have a bonafide movie star like Brad Pitt back in our lives doesn’t it? When was the last time he was even involved in a movie with this much hype? Everything about James Gray’s Ad Astra is simply stunning.

Can we all just stop and appreciate some of the visuals we got from this trailer. Gun fights in space, you now have our absolute attention. The whole thing feels so large in scale, yet still so mysterious. We haven’t even really seen Tommy Lee Jones in the flesh as Brad Pitt’s Roy McBride’s father Clifford in either trailer, just a video recording, who is the focal point of the mystery at Ad Astra‘s center. It’s clear that if they do get to share the screen together in this, Pitt and Jones are going to crush it.

Now can we as a population not make Ad Astra 2019’s First Man. Another great and beautiful space movie that no one decided to see. It’s very easy to debate who can carry a film better between Pitt or Gosling, but the world needs more great space movies and in order for that to happen, they need to succeed at the box-office.

So let’s that’s make that happen, because Ad Astra looks special.

*still courtesy of 20th Century Fox*

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