Agents of SHIELD (6×06) Inescapable Review

Keith NoakesJune 21, 201990/100n/a8 min
Jesse Bochco
DJ Doyle
Running Time
45 minutes
Fridays 8pm
Overall Score
Rating Summary
In the best episode of Agents of SHIELD in a long time, Inescapable saw Fitz and Simmons face their demons and rekindle their relationship while acting as a showcase for Iain De Caestecker and Elizabeth Henstridge.

If you would like to read our review of the last episode, click here.

Synopsis: Fitz and Simmons have fought through space, time and alternate realities to find each other, and now, closer than ever, only their own demons can stop their mission. (IMDb)

Leave it up to the two best parts of Agents of SHIELD, Fitz and Simmons, to provide the best episode of the series in a long time with Inescapable. As mentioned, the episode was almost exclusively devoted to them in what would be a showcase for Iain De Caestecker and Elizabeth Henstridge. While the episode could arguably be described as a standalone, it helped to bring Fitz back in the series in a big way and also bring everyone back together to combat the threat foreshadowed in the last episode.

The episode started with Fitz and Simmons waking up in a strange room. Their overdue official reunion was nice to see. It was also clear that Fitz was quite behind on what was going on (he is technically from the past). The idea of going back in time would be a daunting challenge but Altarah believed them to be up to the task. They were being held in a mind prison of sorts where they would have absolutely anything at their disposal though they would also be sharing each other’s memories (which would be something that comes up later).

Fitz and Simmons’ time in their mind prison started with Fitz proposing to Simmons (one of many things which she had already experienced). From there, they were making the most of it while not necessarily working on the task at hand. Fitz and Simmons caught each other up on what happened to either of them. However, the idea of her in the future would be a contentious one as she tried to avoid eventually revealing the fact that Fitz died. Simmons’ frustration led her to revert back to a 7-year-old-girl which would be frustrating for Fitz. Meanwhile on the chronicom ship, Enoch was objecting to what was being done to them.

Fitz eventually got Simmons to return to normal. Then the elephant in the room became impossible to avoid when Fitz saw his own dead body as the others grieved his death and started to learn everything that happened afterwards (including what happened to Coulson). This was understandably tough for him to deal with. Simmons just didn’t know how to tell him. From there, Simmons sought out to try and find him. Then we saw the beginning of their relationship during their time as SHIELD cadettes. As this was happening, evil Fitz and his army were coming followed by Simmons’ repressed anger, fear, and pain which would manifest itself into a character like “The Ring”.

Fitz and Simmons would encounter a few more memories (including when Coulson recruited them to his team) while evading their evil counterparts. Eventually their evil counterparts would catch up to each them and would then start to torture them. Meanwhile on the ship, Altarah had enough of Enoch’s objections. Fitz and Simmons put an end to their torture when they remembered that they could summon anything so they summoned back-up in the form of Daisy and Mack. Running away, they found themselves in a containment pod where they would begin to argue. They aired their differences (as the pod started to fill with water as an echo to their past) but they would agree that they loved each other.

Once the water cleared from their pod, Fitz and Simmons were ready to face what was outside but that wouldn’t be necessary as they found Evil Fitz and “The Ring” Simmons making out and more. As Altarah came back to remind them of their duty, she began to malfunction. Back on the ship, Enoch took out the other chronicoms and freed them from the machine that was keeping Fitz and Simmons in the mind prison before appearing to teleport back home.

The last scene of the episode was back on Earth where Mack filled Daisy in on what was happening and how what destroyed the chronicom planet was now on Earth.

Let’s get at it!

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