

NFL Bad Lip Reading

So today’s the big day, Super Bowl 50 featuring the Denver Broncos vs. the Carolina Panthers. I won’t try and state the importance of this event as just about everyone will be watching it for the actual football game taking place and/or the infamous commercials and/or the halftime show with Coldplay, Beyonce, and Bruno Mars. If you would like to read a post I wrote about Super Bowl Commercials, click here. If you are looking...

Detective Pikachu

I had no idea this game existed but this is Japan we’re talking about here so why would anyone be surprised? Pokemon have been around for a long time (I’m not going to explain what they are and if you didn’t already know, I feel sorry for you), as a matter of fact, they’re celebrating their 20th anniversary this year. I’m sure that most of us have played at least one pokemon game in our...

Classic Keith Vol.4

Here’s my next edition in a series which I’m calling “Classic Keith” where I highlight one of my past posts on this site. If you would like to see any of my previous editions, click here. This new post was one I wrote in early June 2015 about my love of NASCAR, including how I got into it and featured some exciting crashing.

We’re Doing Bettah

This is a continuation of what I started here. We are now one month into 2016 but I still have 2015 in mind. I saw 100 movies then but that just isn’t enough for me as I still want to see them all. I started to track the remaining movies below: