

A Few New Distractions (From Game of Thrones)

Bethesda had a conference last night, Game of Thrones also had their season finale but that’s not important right now. They talked about some of the games they are working on. There are only a few that I am really interested in, Fallout 4 and Doom (Doom 4). Fallout 4 This is one that I have been waiting for a long time. Ever since Fallout 3 came out in 2008, I have been a huge...

Where Nightmares Are Made

I have been working at a grocery store for nearly 7 years. People have come and gone, the store has changed, the way things are done has changed but what has the stayed the same is the PA system has not. The system would usually have announcements and play the pinnacle of easy listening music. The majority of the music is love songs because people shopping want to be constantly reminded of how alone they...

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind

I’m starting to learn this whole blogging business. In my research, I hear about this thing called Google Analytics. It’s a service that tracks page views and provides information about where viewers come from and about how they access my site and whatnot. I then thought to add it to my site. I was able to find plenty of information about adding code, plugins, editing .php files, etc. This was for self-hosted wordpress blogs but...

Ba Da Ba Ba Ba I’m Loving It (McDonald’s)

I’ve been eating a lot of McDonald’s lately. More often than that actually. It is just so easy for me. After work, I can just get off the bus, walk there, and then walk home. I must have had every thing on the menu. I will admit that some items are better than others (pretty much everything except the McChicken and Fillet-O-Fish, how I loathe you). I think it’s pretty surprising that supersizing is actually available...

Here We Go ……….

Seeing that in my intro post I talked about movies and that I would talk about movies, I’m going to talk about The X-Files. It is my favorite show. I will admit that I started watching it after its initial run but when I started, I just couldn’t stop. It has a little sci-fi, action, drama, and comedy. I think it still holds up despite starting over 20 years ago. It does look a little...