
Guest Posts

Guest Review: Christine (2016)

 By: CineMuseFilms Depression and suicide do not make pretty subjects for a film. It is easy to produce a voyeuristic essay that exploits someone’s despair and self-destruction, but portraying tragedy without sensationalising or trivialising it is as tough as it gets for directors and actors. While most suicides are silent and private, TV journalist Christine Chubbuck chose the most public stage available when in July 1974 she shot herself in the head, live and on-camera....

The Boss Baby – Surprisingly Not as Bad as It Looks (Guest Review)

Hi there, it’s MovieManDan I’m a new reviewer here on the site but you’ll be seeing my name pop up around here over the next few weeks or so as I’ll be providing some content here on a regular basis to help Keith out with the site. Feel free to post your thoughts, comments and any feedback in the section below. Now, without further ado – let’s get started with the review.

Life – A Simple Yet Thrilling Experience (Guest Review)

Watching Life, you are reminded of a simpler time for movie making. We are reminded of that simpler time where your movie wasn’t required to make $1 Billion or win Best Picture or start a cinematic universe in order to be made. Is there a mind blowing allegory or major insight into the human soul in Life? No. Is there some great character development or well-written dialogue in Life? No. Is this a really well...

CHiPs – A Relic That Didn’t Need An Update (Guest Review)

CHiPs is a passion project of sorts for writer-director-star Dax Shepard. It’s not that he holds the 1970s police procedural in high esteem, but he is a motorcycle fanatic. And he saw CHiPs as a thin candy coating to commit cool motorcycle action to the screen. So, he assembled a cast of talented actors, wrote a bunch of gay jokes, and took to the streets of Los Angeles. The result is a disaster.

The Last Word – Leaves A Boring Legacy (Guest Review)

Everyone wants to live life well. When we shuffle off this mortal coil, we would like people to remember us. The legacy we leave behind hopefully pushes the ones we leave behind to do better. Unfortunately for Harriett Lawler, a former advertising executive, nobody remembers her fondly. Following a suicide attempt, she reaches out to an obituary writer named Anne to help her leave behind a lasting and positive legacy. What follows is Harriett’s journey...