

50 Movie Spoilers of 2015 in 4 Minutes

Maybe you haven’t seen certain movies which came out last year, or you did and need to get caught up with some, or maybe you just don’t care about any of them. If any of those apply then this video may be for you. These two guys in 1 take, are able to spoil the plots of 50 movies in 4 minutes including this year’s Best Picture Oscar nominees. Notice a pattern when it comes...

Honest Trailers – The Oscars (2016)

Honest trailers have made fun of plenty of movies in the past, speaking the truth about them and bringing up things we may have missed. Past videos have both been insightful and hilarious. It was just a matter of time until they tackled this year’s Oscars and more specifically, the 8 best picture nominees. I just wanted to say that I saw Brooklyn and liked it and Bridge of Spies is an average movie by...

Hollywood White Washing, How Is This Still a Thing? (NSFW)

Race has been a big issue as of late after all of the nominees for this year’s Academy Awards were all white people. This bring me to a show named Last Week Tonight With John Oliver. For those who don’t know, it is a show similar to the Daily Show where former Daily Show correspondent John Oliver takes a weekly satirical look at news, politics and current events. It’s writing is so smart and hilarious and...

Mrs. Doubtfire Deleted Scenes

This has apparently been around for a little while but I just came across it today and I thought I’d share it with all of you. I was a big fan of Mrs. Doubtfire when I was younger (I was technically 3 so I didn’t get to enjoy it until much later). I believe it is one of Robin Williams’ best movies. I thought it really showed us Williams’ range where we got to see his...

The Walking Dead Honest Trailers

There is no more popular show on television right now than The Walking Dead. It is a show based on the series of graphic novels also called The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman and others. I won’t bother explaining the story as everyone already knows it. Because of it’s popularity, it inevitably got the honest trailers treatment. There has already been a video for seasons 1-3 but they have now released a video covering seasons...