
Digimon Tri.

Digimon Adventure Tri. Chapter 2: Determination – A Digi-Paradox (Guest Review)

In 2015, longtime fans of Digimon (“Digital Monsters”) rejoiced with the 15th anniversary of Akiyoshi Hongo’s franchise with the start of Digimon Adventure Tri; a six-part series that serves as direct sequel to the first two television series, Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02. Now, continuing the adventures of Digimon Adventure Tri, comes the second installment of this six-part anime series with Digimon Adventure Tri. Chapter 2: Determination. Is this next Digimon adventure feature worth...

Digimon Adventure Tri. Chapter 1: Reunion Review

A “DIGITAL”BLAST FROM THE PAST While Pokémon was beginning to building its empire of “pocket monsters”through various media outlets (TV shows, cards games, video games), a somewhat rival franchise, Digimon “Digital Monsters”, was slowly on the rise. For the uninitiated, Digimon was created back in 1997 in Japan and were originally virtual pets (similar to Tamagotchi and Giga Pets), which spawned a franchise of trading cards, video games, and (most notably) an anime series, which...