
inglorious basterds

Streaming Binge: 15 Film Currently Streaming on Netflix

Quarantining can get kind of boring, but it is definitely for the best. All of us here at KLM are sending our best wishes to everyone and hoping that our current pandemic state ends soon but safely. You may be finding yourself bored, lonely or perhaps even out of movies to watch. But fear not! Read as we recommend 15 great films currently streaming on Netflix that you can watch in the comfort of your...

Tarantino Film Rankings

By now, you’ve probably found it difficult to avoid reading every self-proclaimed critic’s rankings of Quentin Tarantino’s filmography now that his latest movie, Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, is in theaters. In seeing these numerous articles arise, I felt it was my duty to wade into the deep end that is editorialized writing and give my take on listing his least to greatest films to date.
