We recommend our top five picks to watch after you’ve seen the latest installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
With Captain Marvel being released, Marvel has pushed their Cinematic Universe to 21 films. While some are widely adored others have found themselves on opposite ends of the spectrum. For us Captain Marvel was more on the positive side (review here) as it introduced the first female-led superhero story for Marvel’s illustrious universe. Only took ten years Marvel, way to go.
For this week’s list of movie recommendations, I’ve looked at films that may have influenced the 90s style of this origin story. These films aren’t all cinematic masterpieces by any means, but they certainly quench the craving that Captain Marvel might leave you with after two hours of marvellous entertainment.
One of the easiest films to turn to when looking at influences of Captain Marvel is this classic ’90s sci-fi. Terminator 2: Judgment Day follows the story of a cyborg, identical to the one who failed to kill Sarah Connor, who must now protect her teenage son from a more advanced and powerful cyborg. This film reeks of similarities from the strong female protagonist, sci-fi story elements and amnesiac-related themes. Not to mention the style and tone used that create its retro atmosphere are heavy influences on the world of Captain Marvel. If you enjoyed Captain Marvel‘s action, tone, style, themes or atmosphere then you might like Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
TOP GUN (1986)
While this film is certainly not sci-fi related, it is definitely an influence on Captain Marvel‘s character arc and story. Top Gun follows the story of a daring young pilot who learns a few things from a civilian instructor that help him in his United States Navy elite fighter program. As a pilot dreaming to make a difference, Carol Danvers is very similar to the characters in Top Gun. Some of the flight scenes and soundtrack feel like they were pulled directly out of this ’80s classic. Heck, even the cat bears the same name as one of Top Gun’s main characters. If you enjoyed Captain Marvel‘s action, characters, tone, style, themes or atmosphere then you might like Top Gun.
Back to the sci-fi stories because those seemed to have been a little more influential on Marvel’s latest instalment. Independence Day follows the story of a military pilot, scientist and the President of the United States who team up to defeat aliens trying to invade and destroy Earth. The story of the military pilot feels very similar in tone between these stories. Even down to the crash and ensuing fight. If you enjoyed Captain Marvel‘s story, action, style or atmosphere then you might like Independence Day.
This film was bound to be on this list because let’s face it, it set the bar for Marvel’s Cosmic Universe. Guardians of the Galaxy follows the story of a group of intergalactic criminals who are forced to work together to stop the destruction of the universe. The beginning of Captain Marvel feels straight out of a Guardians of the Galaxy movie. The badass space fight scenes are only rivalled by that of the original film to set that bar. Heck, it even stars Lee Pace and Djimon Hounsou in the exact same roles adding some continuity. If you enjoyed Captain Marvel‘s action, comedy, tone, style, themes or atmosphere then you might like Guardians of the Galaxy.
The final film on this list is a weird one, but definitely feels like an influence nonetheless. Starship Troopers follows the story of a young soldier in a futuristic military unit who wages war against an insectoid species threatening humankind. The elite battle unit has a similar dynamic as that of the Kree Elite Task Force. The retro action is the exact style that Marvel brought to this story set in the ’90s. If you enjoyed Captain Marvel‘s action, sci-fi, tone or atmosphere then you might like Starship Troopers.
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