

Another Pointless List

In my first blog post, I made a list of the movies that I’ve seen the last few years. Since that was almost a month ago, I thought I should update it with all the new movies I’ve seen since then. big hero 6 the hobbit 3 unbroken the imitation game american sniper foxcatcher selma kingsman fifty shades of gray chappie furious 7 unfriended true story it follows avengers 2 mad max: fury road ex...

Fallout 3 Playthrough Part 2

To get ready for Fallout 4, I decided to go back and play through Fallout 3 again. For the first part click here. After getting a little off-course in Springvale, I decided to continue with the story by going to Megaton (seen here at night). It was exactly how I remembered it, desolate and decrepit. As soon as I walked through the main gate, I was approached by one Lucas Simms, the town, sheriff. I...

America [Expletive] Yeah!

If you didn’t already know, I am a Canadian. With the 4th of July weekend among us, I would take this moment to talk about something that I like and am a big fan of something that is quintessentially american, NASCAR racing. I promise that there will be videos of cars crashing.

Now You See Me

Not a bad start after roughly 3 weeks but I think we can do better: I don’t have too much else to say today but if you ever wondered what I looked like, here you go: This was a few years ago before me and a few of my friends went to see This is the End. I thought it was a pretty funny movie. I also saw World War Z earlier that day. It...