
Guest Posts

The Wall – Taut, Intense, and Infuriating (Guest Review)

War is arguably the most devastating situation a human being can put themselves through. Some argue for a world of disarmament. Others believe war is a necessary evil. But no matter your opinion on the act, everyone agrees it ravages the minds, bodies, and souls of those sent to fight. Additionally, the country serving as the backdrop for the combat suffers economic and geographic stress as well. War movies help make sense of acts that...

Guest Review: Berlin Syndrome (2017)

By: CineMuseFilms The primal terror of captivity appears in everything from fairy tales to horror films, and female captives are particularly popular tropes for vulnerability to sexual abuse. Most captivity stories are framed into a binary where the captor is an evil ogre and the captive an object of sympathy. One of the many reasons the Australian made Berlin Syndrome (2017) stands out as a psychological thriller is that it defies these conventions by portraying the...

Guest Review: Bitter Harvest (2017)

By: CineMuseFilms Everyone knows about the Holocaust but few have even heard the word Holodomor. It means ‘death by starvation’ and it refers to the Ukrainian mass famine deliberately engineered by Joseph Stalin during 1932-33. Scholars label it as genocide and estimate between 7 and 10 million deaths were directly linked to Stalin’s policy of depopulating the Ukraine. More accurate numbers are not available because long-standing Russian secrecy has only recently eased enough for the story...

The Promise – Melodrama In The Face Of Tragedy (Guest Review)

It’s hard to imagine where a movie like The Promise went wrong. On paper, it’s easy to see why the project would lure in such big names as Oscar Isaac and Christian Bale. It’s a sweeping love story in a time of turmoil often unexplored by films. It even boasts the same director as Hotel Rwanda. The piece practically has “Oscars” stamped across the front in red ink. However, due to a complete lack of tonal...