
Guest Posts

Colossal – An Original Monster Film (Guest Review)

Hi there folks, it’s MovieManDan here again with another new film review for you all.  This time, I’m taking a look at “Colossal”, an official selection of the Calgary Underground Film Festival and the latest film from Spanish director Nacho Vigalondo (the man behind the Oscar Nominated short film “7:35 in the Morning”and the feature films “Extraterrestrial”and “Open Windows”).  This one has been on my radar for quite so time and so I’m excited to finally be talking...

Gifted – A Heartwarming, By-The-Numbers Drama (Guest Review)

By: Jason Kerin Actor Chris Evans started out down a standard career path by performing in school production and community theater as well as attending a college institute to enhance his acting talents. Despite his involvement in big box-office comic book film adaptations, Evans still has time for non-superhero movies, including the fan-favorite 2013 film Snowpiercer. Evans has even gone behind the camera with the 2014 film Before We Go, making his directorial debut and starred in...

The Void – A Solid 80’s Throwback Horror Film (Guest Review)

Hi there folks, it’s MovieManDan here again with another review for you all.  For those who are unaware, this one has been getting some pretty solid buzz from across a variety of the more popular indie horror magazines and websites out there and being a big horror fan myself, I was extremely excited to get my chance to see this one so I did so as soon as I could. Let’s dive in.

Guest Review: A Streetcat Named Bob (2016)

 By: CineMuseFilms It sounds like a Disney-style pet-hero tale, but A Street Cat Named Bob (2016) is anything but cute. It’s a harrowing and ultimately heart-warming true story of a recovering drug-addict desperately trying to reclaim his life with all the odds stacked against him. Shunned by human society, his saviour is a ginger moggie called Bob.

Smurfs: The Lost Village – A Step in the Right Direction (Guest Review)

Hi there folks, it’s MovieManDan here again with another review. Anyone who knows me knows that I dreaded Sony’s last two attempts at bringing these characters to the big screen and so, of course, I was really not looking forward to the experience of checking out yet another ‘Smurfs’ film in theatres but yet here I am with my review.  Thankfully, this one is actually passable thanks to some much needed changes but we’ll get...