
Guest Posts

Toni Erdmann Review

By: CineMuseFilms Parent-child conflict is a universal theme that can be spun into an infinite variety of narrative fabrics and colours. For mothers and offspring, it is often treated as an angst-ridden melodrama while for fathers and offspring it is usually a comedy. Each relationship mix has its own tropes and conventions but the German-Austrian film Toni Erdman (2016) is far from being a genre film. It is a stream of consciousness comedic study of...

Tickled Review

By: CineMuseFilms Whether it is drama, comedy or documentary, New Zealand filmmakers punch above their weight. The documentary Tickled (2016) is one of the most unusual films you will see for a long time and a guaranteed conversation starter in the right company. While the film’s title suggests comedic titillation, what it reveals is something more sinister that has wrecked many lives. It is also a fine example of how dogged investigative journalism can stumble...

Fist Fight – Can’t Land a Punch (Guest Review)

By: Jason Kerin 2016 had a plethora of “comedies” released within its 12-month period. These included action comedies (Keanu and Central Intelligence), holiday themed comedies (Boo! A Madea Halloween and Office Christmas Party), summer blockbusters (Ghostbusters), more traditional R-rated comedies (Bad Moms, Boss, and Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates), and some pretty WTF ones (Sausage Party). Some were good, some were bad, and some were just in-between. Now, with the year of 2017 already in-motion,...

The Confirmation Review

By: CineMuseFilms At one level The Confirmation is a simple and endearing story of a young boy spending a weekend bonding with his recovering-alcoholic father. However, the Catholic ritual in the film’s title and the church confessionals that bookend the film suggest more serious themes. Although labelled a comedy, the story is really a dramatic portrait of the growing distance between traditional notions of morality and the ethical relativities of today’s post-GFC world.

The Comedian – Unfunny Jokes And Even Worse Characters (Guest Review)

With a cast that resembles a 90’s crime movie (Robert De Niro, Harvey Keitel, Danny Devito), the director of Ray (Taylor Hackford), and a premise that has been a passion project for all those involved, you would think that The Comedian has everything lined up to be a hit. You would be wrong. Whether it be the unfunny jokes our main character tells, the strange subplots used to fill up time, or the underlying message...