
Guest Posts

The Star – A Wholesome But Limited Animated Film (Guest Review)

The nativity story that inspired Christmas has been told and retold in various mediums and media, including children’s books, animated specials, and live-action feature films. Now, Sony Pictures Animation and director Timothy Reckart presents a new spin to the classic Nativity Story with the animated film The Star. Does this movie weave a new thread in this old tale or is it a far cry from its religious source material?

Thank You For Your Service – Unflinching and Uneven (Guest Review)

The American military is controversial as an institution, but the individuals who comprise the institution receive an enormous amount of empathy. They give up huge swaths of their life for one reason or another. Usually, it’s to provide a future for their fledgling family and to protect the country they love. However, when they return to civilian life, they are rarely the same. The horrors of war take their toll on those serving on the...

Boo 2! A Madea Halloween – Not Another One (Guest Review)

Much like his other “Madea” movies, Tyler Perry, who directed, wrote, produced, and starred in the feature, plays his iconic character in another Halloween comedy romp for the scary season. Despite the movie getting trashed by critics (and some moviegoers) and receiving negative reviews, Boo! A Madea Halloween was still able manage to make a small profit at the box office, cultivating almost $75 million dollars against its $20 million production budget. Now, roughly a...
