
Guest Posts

Home Again – A Bland Romantic Comedy (Guest Review)

Audiences love when a movie has “something for everyone.” A film like Raiders of the Lost Ark is considered perfect because it’s a light-hearted action adventure movie with a romantic subplot. However, movies strictly about romance are considered “less than” for some reason. Romantic movies are written off as sappy, cheesy, saccharine, etc. But, that doesn’t make much sense. Most people experience romance at some point in their life. Loving someone is a nearly universal...

Digimon Adventure Tri. Chapter 2: Determination – A Digi-Paradox (Guest Review)

In 2015, longtime fans of Digimon (“Digital Monsters”) rejoiced with the 15th anniversary of Akiyoshi Hongo’s franchise with the start of Digimon Adventure Tri; a six-part series that serves as direct sequel to the first two television series, Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02. Now, continuing the adventures of Digimon Adventure Tri, comes the second installment of this six-part anime series with Digimon Adventure Tri. Chapter 2: Determination. Is this next Digimon adventure feature worth...

Brigsby Bear – A Quirky Indie Dramedy with Heart (Guest Review)

It seems that every week now , I’m here reviewing a film hot off the festival circuit and well, this week is no different. Today, I’m here to talk about the much anticipated indie dramedy “Brigsby Bear”.  A film that even Kevin Smith took to social media to praise in the weeks leading up to it’s release. So the question is, after 7 long months of festival hype, does ‘Brigsby’ live up? Let’s dive in.