
Guest Posts

To The Bone – An Empty Film With An Important Message (Guest Review)

What happens when your brain turns you against the substances your body needs to survive? Eating disorders cause years of strife for those afflicted, and left untreated, result in death. Around eight million people in the United States alone suffer from eating disorders. Yet, there are nearly zero films tackling the subject. To an extent, that's understandable. It's tricky, sensitive subject matter. On the other hand, there is power in art. And a film that realistically depicts the struggles of eating disorders just might save lives.

Band-Aid – Light, Breezy and Fun (Guest Review)

“Band-Aid”was another audience favorite at Sundance this year and so naturally, it was quickly added to my watch-list following it’s World Premiere screening at the festival. Since then, the film has now been released into US theatres and on Select VOD platforms following a short but equally well received festival run and thanks to the folks at IFC Films , I got my chance to check it out recently.