
agents of shield

Agents of SHIELD Season 4 Episode 3: Uprising Recap

It’s been long enough since last week’s episode of Agents of Shield. You can read a recap of the episode here. Now we’ve met the allusive new director of SHIELD, Jeffrey Mace, who wants to make it public. Daisy and Robbie are apparently now a team but how long will it last? What does he have to do with all this? There are still many questions yet to be answered in this new, darker season.

Agents of SHIELD Season 4 Episode 1: The Ghost Recap

Now this may not be the Agents of SHIELD that we remember as it now has a new timeslot at 10pm. This allows it several more liberties in terms of blood, violence, and sexual content, more akin to Netflix’s Marvel shows. How far will things actually go with this new darker direction? Only time will tell but this is a promising start.