

Italy Would be Proud

What would any other reasonable person had done? It was a Saturday night after work and I was hungry. Being the progressive thinker I am, I decided to try to find a way to get something before I get home from the bus. Luckily like most people in the first world, I happen to own a smartphone. I chose to use it for good and not evil. I remembered that I once ordered some Pizza...

Fallout 3 Playthrough Part 1

I was feeling nostalgic today so I decided to start a new game in Fallout 3. First I had dinner (I am just going to be pretentious and post a picture of my food). The start of the game was exactly how I remembered. That song, “I don’t want to set the world on fire” started playing and I started getting chills. I don’t know what it is about that song that gets me so...

Hello, Hopefully it’s Me You’re Looking For

As you may (or maybe not) have noticed, I started this blog roughly 2 weeks ago. I did not think I would have made it this far but little did I know, I did. It hasn’t been easy coming up with new material every day. I wanted it to be mostly about movies but I haven’t had the chance to see to many movies lately because of work but it should get easier with summer coming...

Grocery Store Etiquette (Updated)

I have worked at a grocery store for nearly 7 years. I have seen and experienced many things during that time. Some customers have been good and some customers have not been so good. They act with common sense and are reasonable. Most would come in and take a shopping cart or basket, fill it with the items in which they want, ask for help if they need it, go through a checkout and then...